Be the change!

As a survivor of domestic violence, I know the immense burden victims bear when trying to escape an abusive relationship. Survivors are often consumed with finding safe shelter, protecting their children, obtaining legal protections such as restraining orders, and seeking mental health support to aid in their recovery. However, New Jersey's current laws insist that all domestic violence charges must be filed within a strict five-year window. The harsh reality is that many survivors are simply unable to meet this stringent deadline.

According to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, one in four American women will experience domestic violence in their lifetime. This number becomes tragically significant when acknowledging the lengthy healing process for survivors. With the immense pressure to reconstruct their lives in a safe environment, the time frame of five years often runs out before a survivor may feel ready to confront their abuser legally.

Regrettably, this limitation inevitably leaves many abusers unaccountable for their actions, creating a cycle of impunity and encouraging further incidents. Therefore, we propose extending the statute of limitations for filing domestic violence charges in New Jersey. While we understand the need for promptness to ensure the credibility of evidence, the current law overlooks the intricate process of adjusting to life post-abuse.

Let's join together to ensure justice for survivors of domestic violence and enable them to hold their abusers accountable, no matter the timeline. Extend the statute of limitations for domestic violence charges in New Jersey. Sign the petition.


Update 1/23/2024